Monday, October 3, 2011

Late on the account of ZAHMBEEZ!!

Sorry I'm late.  So... my piece is about ZOMBIES WHO ARE THE EATING OF THE NEIGHBORS.
Notice that this piece is totally not a portrait, which I think made it way harder to complete fully at the last minute.


  1. Looks really good Jwang. I had to ask Rains what its was. I had no clue.

    Congrats on the non-portrait entry!

  2. ohhh snaps! I used to love that game! Giant ZOMBEH BABEH FTW!! It was funny when T asked me, "To what is this picture pertaining to?" HAHAHA
    Great pic, and I would also like to congratulate you on your non portrait entry! Good Show man! My word! ^_-

  3. Thank you, thank you! I figured on going slightly obscure om my zombie theme, mostly so I can draw a giant cannibal baby.

    I also like to think of this group shot as 15 tiny full-body portraits or what-have-you.
