Monday, September 26, 2011

Zombie fan art!!!

Zombie Fan Art

Ok guys zombies, zombies...zombies. Zombie fan art, from any zombie movie, comic, tv show or personal experience lol. There must be at least 1 zombie in the drawing and recognizable reference to genre. for example: "Is that a drawing attributing the comic the walking dead, and not the 1/2 ass attempt of a tv show that is on AMC??!!" lol

Due betw. 9/26-10/2

Life is like a hurricane

Dammit, guys!  Your entries are gorgeous!  I'm extremely proud of you guys and extremely ashamed of myself for not being able to keep my own deadline.  Blerg.  Way to crank up the pressure. ಠ_ಠ

Anyhoo, here's my entry:

 Edit: Added duck-butt.
And with that:  NEW THEME TIME!!  Your turn to command this unstoppable legion of art, Tammy. ^_^

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What did you say!?!?!

I love the simpsons, I watch it pretty much every day. So I figured I would draw me fighting Comic Book guy on who is the best superhero EVAR, if you don't know i can't be associated with ya lol :D

11th Doctor

Matt Smith - 11th Doctor

Nick toons Who?

It's what I have been watching lately. Hey Arnold, Doug, Rockco's Modern Life and Doctor Who. And it is better to be late than never. This was way to small to attempt to color with makers.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

This is just too funny..

I know that this is completely off topic, but i was on Kotaku last night and they had posted the following fan art of Chun-li and Cammy...

Im sorry, pretty colors aside this person needs to take an anatomy class STAT!!
But after viewing the above pic, i started to remember (though i thought i had blocked it all out) the art of Rob Liefeld... Im sure John knows the horrors of this man, but here it is just to refresh your memory @_@

Everytime i think of this artist I always think of the "job" that he did on Captain America, remember somethings you can't unsee....

dot dot dot....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Theme of the Week: 9/19 - 9/25

HAY GAIS!  Let's art!
This week's theme is Fan Art!  Draw anything you want to draw that counts as fan art, up to and including art involving fans (ceiling, rotary, etc.) or actual fan art (Dr. Who, Megaman, Beetlejuice, etc.)

Must be a new piece of art!  Due 9/25/2011!

Next week, Tamara gets to pick the theme, followed by Rainy.  Happy drawin'!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Happy birthday, Rainy!  You are an extremely gifted artist, a fierce kicker of asses, a top-class rapist, a dear and wonderful friend, and one of my most favorite people.

Here's to you (for you, by you*)!

*and also me, but mostly you. ^_^