Sunday, September 11, 2011


Happy birthday, Rainy!  You are an extremely gifted artist, a fierce kicker of asses, a top-class rapist, a dear and wonderful friend, and one of my most favorite people.

Here's to you (for you, by you*)!

*and also me, but mostly you. ^_^


  1. wow great coloring job John...Rains' work shines even brighter in full color. Omg this looks like a poster for a new X-Men cartoon. All new Saturday mornings on FOX!!!

    I can't wait to see more...nice collaboration!

  2. WOW!! @_@!! You never cease to amaze me good sir!
    You have the fine palette sense of a young gazelle, pouncing majestically through the Serengeti.
    Your hind legs posed to pounce through the misty plains in a steadfast reassurance of modesty and pure RAW unabashed talent.
    You have made this aging Rapeasaur take heed and stand in awe and amazement before the beautiful art you have bestowed upon my unworthy person. Good show!! Thank you so much! ^_^!! :D!! *_*

  3. Thank you! Thank you! And YOU get a car! And YOU get a car!

    Now that you've all witnessed the infinite power of our combined abilities, know that I THIRST YET AGAIN. Draft me MORE imagery to add lightning effects to! Render upon me MORE landscapes that could utilize lens' flare!!

    Feed me, Seymour! Feed me NAO!!
